Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Book Review - Tunnels

Book Title: Tunnels
Author: Roderick Gordon
Age Recommended: 5th grade and up.
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

Tunnels is a book I read awhile back and I just didn't like it. Read the short summary and continue on to my review to see why.

Will Burrows has little in common with his family except for a passion for digging which he shares with his father. When his father disappears down an unknown tunnel, Will decides to investigate with his friend. Soon they find themselves deep underground, where they unearth a terrifying secret - a secret which may cost them their lives.

Why didn't I like Tunnels? When I picked Tunnels to read, I was actually pretty excited to start it. I thought it would be a good book to read and it had a bit of a challenging plot. As a smart kid, I was always up for a challenge so I picked Tunnels. I started to read it and it started out really slow. Since it was an action adventure book, I just assumed that it would get a little more faced paced, but it didn't. As I kept reading, slowing forging on, it got worse and worse! I soon found myself skipping pages trying to just get to the end, but eventually I just gave up. It was so slow and there were a few interesting parts where Will went into the tunnels, but that was it. I didn't end up finishing this book, but I got about 3/4 of the way through before I put it down.

I can't recommend this book to my readers. I hope this review helps you on whether or not to read the book.

Leave this book on the shelf for while, it can wait...

Later Booklovers,


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